Sunday, September 23, 2007

i'm a runner; i run. that's what i do.

yep, you heard right, i'm a runner now, meaning i've run twice in the past five days. not bad; i'm shooting for every other day, but frisbee got in the way once. yeeha (i really am pumped). i'm running a 5k in march (the big engine that could, right?)

but in real news, God is proving faithful (not really news, i guess): friends are really beginning to warm to each other here, and it seems that we're beginning to learn what being one body means. honestly, what kills me about blogging and stuff is that i can only use 'me' pronouns. now, even that difficulty in me doesn't point to an honest desire to see myself decrease, at least not necessarily; it only really points out that i notice how self-absorbed i actually am. and there's no way outside of God's work in us for us to defeat this. it seems a thousand miles away, but it's our hope, as the Church, that God would reduce us and that he would become greater. then the Church can truly be and work in that one substance of  his Spirit that knits us together. but i think we'll be yearning for a lifetime.

i miss you guys, and it was so great to be passed around last night. reunion at a wedding, can you beat it?
(i submit that you cannot!)

and here's last week's journal (shout out francisco):

So I think I figured out what this place really is: a DTR with the future. Here’s the parallel, for me anyway:


            In my life I’ve got a pattern of sorts (I use ‘pattern’ fairly loosely) – get to know girl, become close to girl, maybe start to like girl (optional), potential of relationship actually becomes possibility and approaches that crucial ‘we need to talk’ type situation; and then, usually no matter how enticing the possibility of relationship had looked up to that point, I flee in the opposite direction as fast as possible with my fingers in my ears, absolutely terrified of the reality of all of the thoughts I’d entertained. So it seems I really love dancing with the idea of relationships, but as soon as the responsibility reveals itself to own up to what I’ve felt, I freak out and run away with a goofy grin on my face, at least so far.

            Well, I treat the future in a similar way. Most of us have probably grown up hearing and subscribing, at least in some way, to the classic saying “you can be anything you want to be.” Cool, I guess. But in the fantastical place of “potential,” of entertaining possibilities in my mind of how far or influential or important or visible or ideal my future could be, I can be everything I want to be, not just any one thing.

            So, at least, TFA is a place where God (through his match-making minion David Norman) sits me down on the couch with my future, who looks at me and says, “We need to talk.” And maybe here, by the grace of God, I won’t just squirm awkwardly or run away from what I see as the impending confinement of a degree program, a hungry church, a frontier mission, a tenure track, a book-filled office, or a pro-wrestling championship (who knows?). Maybe God will let me see all the glory and vanity of my “potential” turn into the humble beauty of real life, real service, real success...anything real.


remington said...

nice post... the future is almost as scary a creature as women... also, nice use of "type situation"... it made me smile

john said...

good post, let me know what you decide to do. its funny that this is it, and we just have to go for it. life's so short we might as well go all out, right? these are the things that you can you never feel ready for. well you know my vote... William Wallace Weir; devastating headbutt, immune to punches, kicks doors in half, finishing move is the "will ber force" submission. i'll buy the blue paint.

Unknown said...

this post reminds me of an old wise question:
how much wood, could a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck, could chuck wood?
even if you don't know what your potential is, and you have a sure faith in God, there is no telling what door He will open. Look at me, I had no way of knowing how I was going to support my wife 4 weeks before i was to wed...

brian said...

dude, believe it or not... your post just convinced me to turn down the UAB stuff.

brian said...

okay, no it didn't.

but i had to make a joke about my chronic habit of changing plans to deflect your post... because it hits a little close to home. and if i'm real honest about it all, i'm as uncertain about the UAB stuff as all the other stuff i've ever flirted with and then run away from.

but yeah man... you make a lot of good points. and john's right-- time to go for it. who knows where it'll lead for each of us, but i'm really excited/curious to see how it all ends up. and how we all get there.

also, don't write off john's insights about your potential as an ultimate fighter... i've seen you kick through the freaking doors, man.... mindblowing.